- Yoga lengthens the body and ensures long lean muscles. (I bulk easy and my stress release is to run. This tightens my muscles.)
- Flushes out the system faster than any other body movement. I love the hot classes so this is even more of a stress and toxic relief. (My skin is always soft and supple)
- Stretching the body leaves you with a sense of lightness. I always walk into the studio with a heavier mindset than when I leave. My mind is clearer to deal with problems that would usually overwhelm me.
- Improves posture. This makes you feel taller and leaves you with a confidence no other exercise does. You can walk out of class an inch taller than when you started. Lengthening and stretching the spine. (When you're 5 foot like me that’s a blessing😂)
- The meditation element part of a yoga class allows me to check in with my breath. It gives me an insight into my emotional well-being. If I am struggling to breathe deeply I know my body is dealing with more stress. This emotional gauge is powerful as it gives me a chance to evaluate what’s stressing me and face it with deep breaths and acceptance.