Deep Meditation with Sabine Toh Eastside Yoga and Pilates Adelaide

Deep Meditation Workshops With Our Amazing Sabine

In Belinda Loves, Classes & Workshops by Eastside Yoga & Pilates

Some of you will know we have teamed up with the amazing Sabine Toh, who has been conducting workshop for us on deep meditation.

As well as being a brilliant meditation teacher, Sabine has so many amazing qualifications, in yoga, hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), mindfulness coaching and science. Currently doing a PhD on sleep & breathing.

Don't miss the extraordinary opportunity to experience Sabine's teachings.

Keep an eye on our Facebook to see when the next one is, and if you want to make sure you don't miss out, make sure you are on our Mailing List as we always send an email out to notify when our events are coming up.

You can join the mailing list here.